d. Be compatible for constant contact with food grade lubricating oil,
United States Department of Agriculture rating USDA H1.
3.10 Corner shock resistance.
Filter frames shall withstand shock or
impact to the corners.
3.11 Interface requirements. To permit removability and
interchangeability, sizes of air filters shall be limited to those shown on
Figure 1.
3.11.1 Tolerances.
Tolerances of the air filters shall be as shown on
Figure 1.
3.12 Performance. The air filter, when tested at face velocities of 500
and 625 feet per minute, shall have initial efficiencies and a dust load
capacity of at least 2.65 ounces per square foot of face area when loaded.
3.12.1 Pressure loss (resistance to air flow). At the specified face
velocities, the initial resistance and the resistance when loaded with at
least 2.65 ounces of test dust per square foot shall not exceed those shown in
Table I.
Performance Requirements.
Pressure loss
Face Velocity
Average synthetic
(feet per minute)
dust weight
inches water gauge
(per cent)
3.13 Cleanability. The air filter shall be capable of being cleaned
using hot water at a temperature of 190 degrees Fahrenheit and detergent. The
resistance of the filter shall be increased by not more than 0.01-inch water-
gauge from the initial air-flow resistance after having been loaded with dirt
and cleaned.
3.13.1 Drainage. Provide means on all sides of the filter frame to
ensure complete drainage after cleaning.
3.14 Filter media support. The media shall be attached to the frame in
a way that prevents splitting, dislodging, slumping or separation from the
frame under maximum air velocity and filter resistance conditions. The filter
media shall be protected on both faces by suitable guards.
3.15 Filter removal. An integral means for removal of a filter from a
filter housing shall be provided on two adjacent sides of the filter. This
provision shall not interfere with sliding the filter into a filter housing,
shall be self-storing, and shall not project beyond the outer faces of the
3.16 Operating life.
The filters shall have an operating life of 100
wash and dry cycles.
4.1 Classifications of inspections.
The inspections specified herein
are classified as follows:
a. First article inspection (see 4.2)
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.3)
c. Periodic conformance inspection (see 4.4)
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